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Not just wine... 'We also cultivate beauty,

respecting the land, its history, and nature.'

The name FRUPA derives from the Latin <<fructus papilionis>>, which means "the fruits of the butterfly"symbolizing the love and passion that drove the creation of this flagship wine project.

Our cosmetics stem from the development of an eco-sustainable circular economy project aimed at recovering and enhancing the by-products of Piedirosso grape winemaking. Active phytoextracts are obtained from fermented grape skins rich in resveratrol, sourced from the Crù Prodivi vineyards selection FRUPA PIEDIROSSO 'BIO'. These vineyards are cultivated on volcanic soils originating from the PLINIAN ERUPTION of 79 A.D. on our estate at the slopes of the 'Vesuvius National Park.' Archaeological evidence from ancient Pompeii, two thousand years ago, documented the use of vine fruits for preparing oils and ointments.

The eruption of 79 A.D. began around 1:00 PM on October 24th (or August), forming a Plinian column. Pumice lapilli fell from the eruptive cloud, accumulating deposits of white and grey pumice, tuffs. This is a unique stratification confirmed in our company vineyards in Boscotrecase.

The combined lifting effect face and eye serum instantly reduces expression wrinkles and, thanks to hyaluronic acid, makes the skin firmer and more compact for an effective and long-lasting anti-aging action. The titrated grape marc extract exerts a fundamental antioxidant action to combat free radicals, the main responsible factors for skin aging.


frupa cosmetico Sorrentino vini vite vulcaniche

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